
Presidential Award for Academic Excellence

Congratulations Alex! You worked hard. Really, really, hard. Dad and I are both VERY PROUD of you.

Today my son and a few of his classmates were honored at a special President's Education Award Breakfast. They received a letter from President Obama, a certificate of achievement and a pin honoring them for their outstanding academic work throughout middle school. Today they were chosen as Presidential Scholars and received the Presidential Excellence Award.

In order to qualify they had to maintain a high gpa of 3.5 to 4.0 and score above the 85th percentile of the FCAT along with demonstrating good character and citizenship throughout all THREE years of middle school.

Alex, I know that you weren't very impressed with the breakfast and think the certificate and pin are kind of cheesy. Well except for the fact that if you wear the pin today, you don't have to tuck your shirt in. But we are very proud of you! I know it wasn't always easy, But you did it! WAY TO GO!

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